June 2021 Newsletter
Upcoming Events:
➢ Mentor Meeting: Saturday, June 26th at
10am-12pm (Indoor Range closed)
➢ Membership Committee Meeting
Monday, June 28th 7pm-9pm
➢ Member Meeting: Thursday, July 1st at
On Going Events:
Boy Scouts: Wednesday nights
Archery: Thursday (4pm-7pm)

Archery: Archery is up and running strong! Thursday’s class of newcomers as well as last season’s veterans were awesome to see. There was a large showing of new youngsters on hand excited to learn all they can from instructor Charlie Marshall.
PRIVATE RENTALS (club is closed):
June 25th 4-10pm
July 17th-19th
10 Gun Raffle: REMEMBER: You can buy your 10 Gun raffle tickets off this website. Just click here.
DEC Fishing For The Disabled
Essex County
➢ Lachute River - at Lower Falls and
hydro project in Ticonderoga
➢ Stevens Pond - at start of Toll
Road to Whiteface Mt.
Franklin County
➢ Salmon River - at Ballard Mills
hydro project in City of Malone
➢ Black Pond Hand Launch - small
dock at Black Pond outlet, on
Keese Mill Rd. near Paul Smith's
➢ Fish Creek Pond Campground - fishing pier at campground on Rte.
30, north of Tupper Lake
➢ Sable Highlands Conservation
Easement - two fishing piers
(Grass Pond and Fishhole Pond),
County Hwy. 26, 7 miles west of
Route 3
➢ Indian Carry Access to Upper
Saranac Lake - fishing access,
parking, path to dock. On Route 3,
8 miles east of the Village of
Tupper Lake.
New this month!
Door prize at member
meeting July 1st at 7pm. Come to the meeting
to try and win. (Hint check the newsletter)
➢ Black Pond Hand Launch - small dock at Black Pond outlet, on Keese Mill Rd. near Paul Smith's College
➢ Fish Creek Pond Campground - fishing pier at campground on Rte. 30, north of Tupper Lake
➢ Sable Highlands Conservation Easement - two fishing piers (Grass Pond and Fishhole Pond), County Hwy. 26, 7 miles west of Route 3
➢ Indian Carry Access to Upper Saranac Lake - fishing access, parking, path to dock. On Route 3, 8 miles east of the Village of Tupper Lake.