The annual dues, regulated by the Board, shall be payable on or before March 1. Under special conditions this may be waived for an individual at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Military personnel, while on active duty, shall be exempt from dues if called into service while being in a “paid up member in good standing” status. First time members joining the club between December and February shall be considered members in good standing through the following February.
- Qualifications - an applicant for regular membership must be at least 18 years of age willing to abide by the constitution, by-laws and rules of the club.
- Admission - all applications shall be submitted to the membership secretary and be accompanied by the annual dues fees.
- Resignation - any member may sever relations with the club by submitting his/her resignation to the membership secretary.
- Expulsion/Suspension - The Board of Directors upon written complaint from a member(s) may expel a member from the club for conduct unbecoming toward a member of the club or detrimental to the best interest of the club. Before the Board can take action, the member under charges must be given 15 days written notice, stating the charges as well as the date and time of the meeting at which the charges will be considered. He/she shall then be accorded a full hearing before a vote is taken. A two-thirds secret vote of the total number of Board members is required for expulsion/suspension.
- Classes of membership:
- Regular: All duly accepted, paid up members 18 years and over are classified as regular members. They may vote and enjoy all club privileges.
- Family: Up to two adults and any children less than 18 years old. A family membership shall have two votes.
- Honorary Life: Persons distinguished for their knowledge in matters of interest to the club, who have contributed greatly to further the club’s objectives may be elected Honorary Life member at a regular meeting. Anyone so designated will retain all the rights and privileges of a regular member and shall be exempt from dues payment.
- Junior: Any person under the age of 18, meeting regular membership qualifications may be admitted in the normal manner as a Junior member. Such a member is entitled to all rights and privileges of the club, save the right to vote and hold office.
- Complimentary: A one year membership may be awarded at the discretion of the Board to anyone who has contributed to the welfare of the club in such a degree that recognition is warranted. Such a member will have the same rights and privileges as a Junior member.
- Student: persons over the age of 18 and enrolled in an institution of higher learning. To accommodate the timing of student semesters, these members will be offered six-month terms (January-June & July-December), instead of the regular January-December terms. They will be entitled to all rights and privileges of the club, except voting rights.
- Legacy: Life member status for surviving spouse/partner of a deceased life member.
REGULATION - The Federal, State and Local laws shall be standard for sportsmen who are members of the Club.
All posted Range Rules will be adhered to by members and guests.
Robert’s Rules of Order shall apply at all meetings except as qualified herein. The general order of business shall be:
- Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting for information and approval.
- President’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Membership secretary's report and action upon applications.
- Reports of committees
- Old business
- New business
- Election of Officers (when appropriate)
A nominating committee will be appointed by the President at the September meeting. They will prepare a slate of officers for the ensuing year prior to the December meeting. No one will be nominated for a major office who has not been a voting member for at least a year, unless so approved by the Board of Directors. The election will be held at the regular meeting in December at which time additional nominations may be made from the floor. The Chairman of the nominating committee will be in charge of the elections and shall hold the elections in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order. Terms of office will be from January 1 through December 31 for the year/years for which elected. Unfinished terms of office may be filled through appointment by the Board of Directors.
Amendments to the constitution or these bi-laws can be made at a regularly scheduled meeting of the club providing the applicable quorum requirement has been met. A two-thirds vote of those present is required for adoption. Before an amendment can be voted upon, it must be presented in writing at a regular meeting at least one month in advance of the meeting at. which action is to be taken. After discussion and review the finalized version of the amendment will be advertised in the monthly bulletin which will also carry the date and time of the meeting at which the amendment will be presented for action.
A copy of this revised constitution and by-laws will be made available to each member upon request and a copy of the constitution and by-laws will be prominently posted in the club house.
Saranac Lake Fish & Game Club
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