The name of this organization shall be the SARANAC LAKE FISH & GAME CLUB INC.
The particular objectives for which this corporation is be formed are as follows:
- This club is formed for the conservation of our forest, the propagation, distribution and protection of game, wild fowl, birds and fish, and for the aiding in the enforcement of laws of the State governing the same and in the securing of proper legislation upon these objectives.
- The promotion of a spirit of cooperation upon the part of the public for the management of fish and game and for the sportsmanship in the harvesting of fish and game.
- The promotion of marksmanship, camping, canoeing, winter and summer sports, lectures, and discussions involving the propagation, conservation, distributions and management of game, wild fowl and fish.
- The holding of contests of sportsmanship and skill in hunting, fishing, trapping, taxidermy and other kindred phases of outdoor activities.
- The building and development of a club house and club grounds for the meeting and recreation of members of the club and the necessary acquisition of real estate by purchase, lease or other tenure to further the objectives of the club.
In order to be an officer or Board of Director, a member must be a regular member in good standing for one year prior to holding office, unless so approved by the Board of Directors. The officers of this club shall consist of a president, vice president, secretary, membership secretary and treasurer. These officers together with six other members, to be elected by the club, shall constitute the Board of Directors. Three of the six directors shall be elected each year for a term of two years
The President shall:
- preside at all meetings of the club and Board of Directors.
- be a member ex-officio of all regular and special committees.
- perform all such duties as pertain to the constitution and bi-laws.
- write or the President’s designee shall write a monthly bulletin to be mailed to all members.
Vice President:
The vice president shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence or at his/her request.
The secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the club and Board of Directors. He/she shall attend to all correspondence of the club and render assistance to committees when requested.
Membership Secretary:
The membership secretary shall:
- receive all applications for membership into the club.
- be responsible for the collection of all membership fees and shall remit the same to the treasurer, taking his proper receipt.
- notify all members whose dues are in arrears.
The treasurer shall:
- pay from the funds of the club all proper bills regularly contracted by the club.
- submit his/her accounts for examination to the Board of Directors when requested.
- report in detail at the monthly meetings the disbursements and receipts of the club.
- collect all bills and assessments due the club.
- prepare an annual financial statement covering all receipts and disbursements for the fiscal year.
- or a designee, shall be responsible for mailing the monthly bulletin.
Board of Directors:
The Board of Directors or member of the Board shall:
- hold all the property, effects and other assets of the club in trust for the benefit and enjoyment of the members thereof.
- have the management and control of the same and exercise a general superintendency over the affairs of the club.
- The Board of Directors shall meet at a regularly scheduled date and time each month as agreed upon by the Board members and published monthly in the bulletin. Special meetings may be called by the President, if an emergency arises, and due notice is given to the Board members.
- Each Board member is expected to attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the Board, unless excused by the President. A member of the Board accumulating four unexcused absences during the year will be automatically recommended to the other Board members for suspension of his/her voting rights on the Board, for the balance of the year. Should a suspension occur, the Board may appoint a replacement for the balance of the term.
Ten members present at a regular club meeting, which has been scheduled and announced in the monthly bulletin, shall constitute a quorum for business except as follows.
- For the expulsion of a member or for the amendment of the constitution and/or the by-laws, one month’s notice of the scheduled date and purpose of the meeting must be given all members. A total of 20 present shall then constitute a quorum for action.
- For regular or special Board meeting, a quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the voting members on the Board.
A two-thirds secret vote of the members in good standing, present, shall be necessary to approve the action when amending the constitution and/or the bylaws. A majority vote of those present is necessary for transaction of business at regular club meetings and Board meetings.
Fiscal Year:
The fiscal year shall run from January 1 to December 31. The books shall be audited between the regular December meeting and the January meeting by three voting members forming an auditing committee selected by the membership.
Saranac Lake Fish & Game Club
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